The online market turns 3 years old
Hurray! The upcoming autumn & winter market is the 5th online market of its kind. It's been 4 years since the very first market and although the foundation is the same, really good vintage from 1920 to 1979, the shape of the market is constantly evolving.
What started as an experiment during the pandemic has become a recurring and very popular digital marketplace that draws the best vintage sellers from all over Sweden and attracts an international buyer crowd. A two day vintage bonanza, and you're invited!
We offer selected vintage from both large established stores and small private vintage sellers. They open up their collections and you don't even have to leave the couch to join. And we don't stop there! You are also served plenty of vintage inspiration, information and the opportunity to get to know both us who sell and other buyers on the market's Instagram account, all the way up to the market. So don't miss out, go follow us on IG.
Welcome to our wonderful vintage world!

How do I shop?
The market takes place on Instagram on hashtag #dejavuonlinevintage23. The market is held on the weekend 11-12th of November with opening hours Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 10am-5pm.
It's completely free for you to have a look around and to buy.
Go to Search in the Instagram app & look for #dejavuonlinevintage23
Tap Filter and "most recent posts"
In the feed, click on the shoppable post you are interested in
Write to the seller in the comments and agree on payment
Done, soon you'll get mail!
Several of the sellers broadcast Live on Instagram, you get the chance to get to know them and see what they sell before all others.
The feed is updated so that only products that can be bought can be seen under the hashtag.
Questions come before purchase, you will have get some space for reflection. You can always ask the seller for more measurements and detailed pictures if you are unsure. It is what is expected & the beauty of shopping vintage online!
Below you will find a Q&A with even more answers, feel free to write to me if you have any further questions. And I promise, it's both easy & fun to shop on the market, and we offer a fantastic selection of swedish vintage!
You are more than welcome on November 11-12!
Q&A - For you who want to shop
When is the market and what are the opening hours? The market is held on Instagram at hashtag #dejavuonlinevintage23 during the weekend of 11-12 November 2023. Opening hours are Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday 10am-5pm. During the opening hours, new sales posts are posted and the sellers are sending Live at Instagram. A great opportunity to see first hand what they are selling.
What is sold on the online market? The market offers vintage original garments in good condition from 1920 to 1979. In addition to clothing, accessories such as shoes, hats and jewelry are also sold. There is also usually less decor, fabrics and sewing patterns etc.
Where and how do I shop? The market is held on Instagram on hashtag #dejavuonlinevintage23 during the weekend 11-12 November 2023. Opening hours are Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday 10am-5pm. During the opening hours, new shoppable posts are posted and live broadcasts are held with the sellers where they demonstrate what they sell.
How do I pay for what I buy at the market? Payment within Sweden is done with Swish, ask the seller about other options.
Can I shop at the market if I don't live in Sweden? We welcome international buyers! All text on IG is in English and most sellers accept payment via PayPal, or bank transfer. Upon request you will be given an estimated shipping cost to your country.
What shipping options are available? Shipping is usually done with Post Nord, ask the seller about other options.
How do I see the sellers' Live broadcasts & when are they? Follow the account that will broadcast Live. When they go Live, a circle lights up around their account icon that appears at the top of your IG feed. A text that says Live is visible. Click the account icon to connect! You can write questions in the chat about what the seller shows, you can also ask to be taged when the things go on sale after the Life. The schedule of all live broadcasts is published shortly before the market on the market's IG account.
How do I search for subhashtags? To help you out, we have a number of sub-hashtags. You can easily find the decade you are looking for, clothes in a certain size, etc. For example #dejavuonlinevintage2340s #dejavuonlinevintage23M The complete #list will be posted shortly before the market on the markets IG account.
Everything you need to know if you want to join and sell
It's fun!
The most common comment from the sellers is that it is so much fun to sell on the vintage online market. Intense & fast-paced, but so much fun!
The ease of access
As the market takes place directly on Instagram, an average of 10,000 vintage-hungry visitors find there way there & the crowd is international. In addition to Sweden, Denmark and the rest of the Nordic countries, the buyers come from Holland, England, Germany, Austria, USA and Croatia.
The visibility
By selling on the online market you get seen directly where it all happens, on social media. It leads to more new customers, followers & contacts. Your visibility is pushed up by the marketing the market does for you, combined with your own IG activity. So much so that there are sellers who claim that the algorithms get pumped up for a whole year ahead.
Easy to start selling
You can do everything from home and you don't have to pack up and travel far, with all the costs and emissions it means. No advanced technology is required, all you need is an Instagram account and your mobile phone.
The environment
It feels important & good to be part of a sustainable event. By ensuring that more clothes are reused, you are helping to ensure that less new clothes are produced. As a seller, taking care of older clothes, washing & mending is a great thing and a special knowledge that extends the life of the garments. By providing vintage, you enable others to choose to reuse and to be part of a system shift.
The market has previously collaborated with the organization Fashion Revolution, Sysav, Malmö Miljöförvaltning and Naturskyddsföreningen.
The community
Together we support each other & learn from each other. Through the seller's forum, you have the opportunity to get tips and advice when preparing for the market and also during the market. You simply become a better seller by participating.
The design
"Everything is so neat and well organized", that's what the sellers usually say. And it's no coincidence, as the organizer of the fair I spend a lot of time on each text and each image to make everything neat and easy to understand.
It's not an exaggeration to say that you get a marketing agency in the bargain when you join us as a seller.
It's personal
The online market is a niche market with maximum 30 selected sellers. This means that I, as an organizer, can take time for each of the sellers who are involved. Both me and the sellers are dedicated vintage collectors and history geeks, which are very strong unifying interests.
Photo gallery

Jeanette Söderberg
Jeanettes Vintage
Déjà Vu Online Vintage Market is great fun to sell on. An intense market weekend, straight from the living room!
It is extra fun with all the sellers broadcasting "live", a familiar seller forum and everything is perfectly managed by Maria. I have always sold well on the market and reached customers all over the world.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ @jeanettesvintage

Kerstin Holst
Torget 11 Vintage&Secondhand
When you run a vintage shop located in Åhus where many people come for Easter and summer, but where it's more quiet the rest of the year, it is good to be part of a digital market. Then you reach buyers from all over Sweden and Denmark. And it's also great marketing!
Torget 11, Åhus

How much does it cost to sell and what is included?
(In the Q&A for sellers you will find explanations of what is included in the packages)
Basic package
12 shoppable posts
Access to seller forum
Price: 600 SEK ex VAT ( 750 SEK inc VAT)
Premium package
Unlimited number of shoppable posts
Seller forum
Live broadcast
Division of the landaden's account of items not sold directly
= 1 month of preparatory marketing and planning together
Price: SEK 955 ex VAT, ( 1194 SEK inc VAT )
Optional moderated live broadcast
Support and help to plan and execute your live broadcast on IG. Moderation of the conversation and the chat during the broadcast. The live broadcast can be seen on the market's IG account and your own. The live broadcast is saved on the market's IG account and is easily accessible to watch afterwards.
Price: 520 SEK ex VAT, ( 650 SEK inc VAT )
Do you work with vintage, repro, recycling or environmental issues and want to sponsor the market or advertise? Contact me!
Q&A - For those who want to sell
When is the market and what are the opening hours? The market is held on Instagram on hashtag #dejavuonlinevintage23 during the weekend of 11-12 November 2023. Opening hours are Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday 10am-5pm. During the opening hours new sales posts are posted and live broadcasts at IG are held with sellers where they demonstrate what they sell.
What can I sell on the online market? The market offers vintage original garments in good condition from 1920 to 1979. In addition to clothing, accessories such as shoes, hats and jewelry are also sold. But it is also possible to sell smaller interior design, fabrics and sewing patterns etc. As long as it stays within the time span 1920-1979. Feel free to make suggestions if you want to try to sell something related.
What does a shoppable post mean? A shoppable post consists of an IG post with picture(s) of a maximum of two items you want to sell and a descriptive text. Templates that you can use to help you will be shared in the seller forum. If you have purchased a sales package you can post during the market's opening hours (Saturday 10 am to Sunday 5 pm) on your Instagram account. When you add the selling hashtag, your post will be visible to buyers in the hashtag feed.
What is a presentation? I will make a post on the market's account with a picture of you / what you sell and a text that presents you. When you join as a seller, I ask you to submit a picture and description, which I will work from. On https://www.instagram.com/dejavuvintagemarknad/ you can see examples of presentations from previous markets.
Is my age of any importace to be able to sell on the online market? No! On the contrary, the market's sales team has gotten older since we started with online markets(!) The technique is not difficult to learn and you get some support from me. Online selling also has the advantage that you don't have to pack everything, travel a long way, and then stand up and sell for a whole weekend. You do everything from home, you can prepare everything before and thus make the sale at your own pace.
What is the Seller Forum? It is a hidden Facebook group for sellers only, you who are a seller will be invited here. It is our backstage living room where we can ask questions, discuss, share information and knowledge and encourage each other! I will gear up furter this market in terms of supporting you in your preparations for the market. Like sharing templates and setting time frames for preparation steps like photo, writing post texts, doing preview, etc.
Preview- what's that? To build up customer expectations, I encourage you as a seller to work with previews. This means that you post a group picture of things you will sell in advance. You tell what time you will post the sales posts and give buyers the opportunity to get tagged. I also share premium sellers' previews on the market's IG account.
How does a Live Broadcast on Instagram work? During opening hours, live broadcasts are held by sellers. If you have a premium package, you can schedule a time for a live broadcast. The complete schedule with all Live broadcasts is published shortly before the market on the market's IG account. In the seller forum we will go through how to broadcast Live.
How does a moderated Live broadcast work? It's not uncommon for those who haven't broadcasted a Live before to find it difficult. But the sellers who have tryed it think it's a great sales tool. You can add the option "moderated live broadcast" to both the basic and premium packages. Then I will help you prepare for the live broadcast, and during the broadcast, I moderate the chat and keep the conversation going. The live broadcast is visible both via your IG account and the market account, which means at least double exposure. The live broadcast is saved on the market's account where it is easily accessible for buyers to see afterwards.
How do I use sub-hashtags? To help the customer to easily find the decade they are looking for, clothes in a certain size, etc. we have a number of sub-hashtags, For example, #dejavuonlinevintage2340s #dejavuonlinevintage23M. A full sub-hashtag list will be shared in the seller forum and on the marketplace's IG account.
Do you want to join as a seller?
Great! This is a golden opportunity to both sell and develop as a seller.
By filling in the application on the right, you register your interest. The last date for registration is Monday 16/10 - 2023. But if you have the right stuff you are of cause welcome to send in an application of interest for future vintage markets.
If you have questions, you are very welcome to contact me, it is also possible to book a video meeting. Press contact below, I am here for you!
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